Friday, June 11, 2010

finally... an afternoon in the studio

Yesterday was wet and rainy so there wasn't much we could do in the fields. I don't think seeding will progress from here. We still have several hundred acres that will probably be left fallow due to the amount of moisture and lateness of the season.

On a positive note though, I had some time in the studio yesterday afternoon. Feeling quite rusty but I did make these bowls. They are of medium size, around 2 1/2 to 3 lbs in weight.

Here are a couple of low shallow bowls from the last glaze firing that are kinda growing on me. I think the one with the green frame has a lot more punch to it.


gz said...

agree about the green frame bowl. I like it!

ladyofclay said...

Thanks ! Nice to get some feedback.

ade said...

I like the first one too...they look like they want to be used! I love the shot of the wet don't look remotely rusty!!

ladyofclay said...

Thanks Adrienne, someone wanting to put my pots to use is the highest compliment I could wish for !

Jenna said...

Oooh! Love the one with the green!!

ladyofclay said...

Thanks Jenna, I think there will be more of that combo in the next firing.